Relevance of values in the Trans-Millennial communities that compose Society today:

The trans-millennial society we live in today still stands at a crossroad. We are almost two decades into the new millennium, yet in all the headlong rush to advance, to reach the stars, in reality, we have deteriorated in our progress in terms of ecological wealth and compendium of human endeavor, humanity and appreciation of our lives and our own place within that life. Today, as humans, (provided we have the wealth to pave our way) we can clone ourselves; look youthful indefinitely, we can choose the genes that will guarantee us selectively designed offspring, etc.

We have conquered the moon and spaces beyond……. but, are these true measures or real proof of our evolution? Have we really become more powerful, self-sufficient or even just more humane through any of these technological advancements? Is it possible that like the monsters of our nightmares, we are becoming physically invincible and simultaneously completely morally bankrupt?

Are we really different from our barbaric past? The wars then were about wealth and power………it is still the same………Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Tibet…… still continues to be about wealth and power, human lives are cheap…….Angola, Sierra Leone, I could go on and on……..hello, is anyone listening? Even if you are, the powers that be are not! Governments elected by the people for the people, no longer are interested to look after the people’s interest but are only interested in self-aggrandizement. Economies failing one after the other and we, the electorate are not allowed to question them once they have been elected!!! Cut a long story short. Just look into your own little world, your family, friends, colleagues, how many come from stable, undivided, harmonious, and two parent homes?

 If home is for society - the equivalent of the protozoan for the evolution of man, then this is the crucible for development of human values, ethics, sense of belonging, even community. Why do we not focus on making the home more stable, complete with desirable values and secure in stability to raise children who will then have a true understanding of what is of real importance and relevance in the ‘Ascent of Man’ as Mr. Bronowski would say.

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